Zipcode 6386 Måndalen Norway.
Måndalen (Moon Valley) is a small valley in the North West of Norway. To get there you need to go over (or through) mountains and around fjords. It's a wonderful journey.
By road
You can drive to Måndalen by car
By train
If you'd like to go by train, you are in luck. The end station of Raumabanen (the Rauma Line), is in Åndalsnes - only 20km from Måndalen. From there you can go by bus. Raumabanen is a beautiful ride down the Romsdal Valley, with the mountais rising up at both sides. The train passes well-known attractions such as Kylling Bridge and the Troll Wall.
Raumabanen connects with trains from Oslo and Trondheim.
By air
There are 2 airports semi-close to Måndalen.
Molde airport Årø (65km) and Ålesund airport Vigra (100km).
From the airports you can travel by bus, or get a rental car.
By bus
Local timetables for bus, also from airports, are found at FRAM